A Letter to Those Who Inspire Me: Stage Crew

Dear Stage Crew,

I just wanted to take a moment to write about all the ways in which you have inspired me. Aside from your ninja-like abilities to appear and disappear within seconds from scene changes you have inspired within me a different type of work ethic. You have inspired me with your patience, critical thinking, and your initiative. 

Let’s break it down for a moment. You come in during tech week of a show, having not seen any rehearsals and maybe read the script beforehand. You are expected to essentially learn the show from the wings of the stage and basically keep all the magic alive in the show. Did I mention you have a week to do this? Patience is an absolutely vital quality to succeed in this task. Stage crews need to be able to listen to the director’s vision and execute it even when they have to stop constantly during show runs. Sometimes because you did something wrong but oftentimes it has nothing to do with you and everything to do with the actors. You have to continuously remain patient with actors getting in your way and directors changing their minds. 

In order to be a great stagehand, you need to be a critical thinker. Directors often want something done behind the scenes that may not end up working the way they originally wanted to. And you, being the great problem solvers you are, find a way to find the problem and create a solution without missing a beat. Because of this, you are able to offer up suggestions to better a show by thinking up remarkable ideas directors may not have thought of before. Thinking ahead is another great form of critical thinking that you possess. The ability to analyze what is asked of you and what is asked of the production itself allows you to prepare for anything that may occur.

Above all of the amazing skills you possess, you have inspired me with your initiative. To be able to take direction well is one of the most prevalent ways in which you take initiative. You know exactly what needs to get done and by golly, you make sure to get it done. And not only that but you take pride in your work. When you are given a job you want to get it done and want to get it done right to keep the production on track.

Let’s state the facts: Without you, a prodcution’s magic would be lost. Stage crews are the people backstage who solve problems we didn’t know were about to happen and move the show along in the most magical way. Without you, a show would not be successful.


Seana Hendrickson

Photo: Encore Stage & Studio