Posts in The Acting Life
How Actors Can Build an Acting Business Plan in 5 Steps.

So dark you can’t even see your hand in front of your face. It happened in an instant with just a slight popping sound. 10 seconds ago you had the lights on and Netflix running the Office for the 30th time and then SNAP! No power. Now as your fan slowly turns to a stop, there is complete silence.

Is it even safe to get up and go check the fuse box? Where the hell IS the fuse box? You’ve got to do something and soon because all this darkness means no lights, no fridge, no phone, no internet.

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My Five Tips for Community Theatre Auditions

A number of years ago, I decided to try my hand at directing.  I had been involved in community theater for several years as an actor and felt I wanted to experience the dramatic arts from another angle.  I expected there to be learning curve (which there was).  What I didn’t expect was how directing changed my perspective as an actor, especially when it came to auditioning.

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The Do's and Don'ts When Looking for a Voice Teacher

No matter if you are going into musical theatre, classical music, or even pop music, a strong and solid vocal foundation is where everything begins. But how to begin? Its a big old world out there, even bigger now that the internet has made everything available at the touch of our fingertips. A  word of caution as you take this very crucial first step; not everyone is what they seem. It used to be that snake oil salesmen the like of Pirelli were found only at the circus; now they can be found in the pages of well-known industry magazines, on YouTube, and from self-professed ‘coaches’. So how can a young singer take the first steps?

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Five Reasons Why Voice Lessons are Worth It

One of the most common discussions I always hear around community theater is whether or not voice lessons are worth it. And my answer to that is ABSOLUTELY YES.  Now, I know that is a very bold statement, however I’m not telling you that you have to go find a voice teacher right now and spend hundreds of dollars or you will suck at theater. NO that is not the case. Some people can totally get by without them. However, if you do plan on pursuing theater professionally, vocal training is definitely necessary.

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