This Casting Call for "The Wiz" is...Um...Specific...

I would be lying if I said I was familiar with Theatre Under the Stars in Houston, TX. But their audition notice for their upcoming production of The Wiz has caught many performers' attention for its...well...character descriptions and the type of performers they're seeking for these roles. 

For instance, here's the one for Dorothy:

Here's the one for The Wiz himself:

Their description of The Lion is well, something I haven't heard about the character before:

As for the rest of the descriptions, they're pretty entertaining to read. For the Tinman, they're looking for someone who is as "slick as a 1970’s Pimp. Straight out of a Dolomite Film. A stone cold fantastic Singer. Can tap dance. Carries an Ax. ‘Nuff said."

For Evilene, they want someone who is a "vocal powerhouse. As well as Evil incarnate. Ugly and knows it. Can’t stand people. Especially pretty girls. Voice for the Gods." 

The rest of the descriptions are listed here for the June 6th auditions. Even if you're unable to auditions, they're definitely worth the read.

While they might not be the most professional character descriptions we typically see on audition notices, they definitely give an idea of what Theatre Under the Stars and director Robert O'Hara could be looking for.