Things to Do in the Summer as a Theatre Person

  • Lizzie Rajchel

Depending on where you live the theatre scene usually dies down a little during the summer months, expect for the occasional Shakespeare in nature performance. So what do you do during the summer if your life is theatre?

1.      Write that play you’ve always been talking about

If your career in theatre is not typically playwriting but you’ve always been dreaming of writing up a storm, the downtime when you’re not busy with rehearsals is the perfect time to sit down in your office or local coffee shop and write that play.

2.      Expand your horizons

If you’re like me your entire existence revolves around theatre and there isn’t much time for other interests. Summer is a great time to read that book that’s been gathering dust on the shelf or play a team sport, or even just ride your bike to new places of the city.

3.      Read

The chances of having time to read a new play in between rehearsals and other duties is slim, so summer is a wonderful time to get that play off the shelf, make an iced tea (alcoholic or not) and read.

4.      Reconnect with friends and family

In theatre our friends and family often become those we are around the most in the rehearsal hall, so summer is a lovely time to call up an old friend who you’ve been meaning to catch up with for ages.

5.      Travel

In between gigs it may be hard to travel (or travel for fun rather than work), so if you can plan a trip. It doesn’t have to be far away, but even going to a new city or into nature can reinvigorate you for the upcoming season.