5 Ways to Support Artists in the Time of Covid-19

  • Melody Nicolette

I am the most prepared for That Thing I Need Not Mention more than anyone I know: no one entering my personal space bubble, staying at home and leaving only for work or hiking or groceries, comida en la casa, frequent hand washing, hand sanitizer, frequently disinfecting, taking my shoes off before going into the house and IMMEDIATELY changing from street clothes to house clothes--you get the idea. This has been a “MY TIME HAS COME” moment after being maliciously teased all these years. (They say that Monk isn’t a good representation of OCD, but as someone who suffers from it to the same degree that he does on the show, I can tell you that, in my case at least, it was SPOT ON --all puns intended, wah wah). At least on the germ front, I got all bases covered. My friends joke that maybe it’s because I was in Boy Scouts and was once a professional den mom that I am #EverPrepared for most things.

While I am happy that people are finally joining me in #BePrepared and #TeamNOGERMSEVERYUCK, there are some things you can never prepare for. I know I am a Worst Case Scenario type of a person--but this is something, not even I could have predicted. For a lot of those who work in the arts, these shutdowns are unprecedented in an industry that is already completely unpredictable. (For the record, this is not to detract from those in other industries who are deeply affected by this or who are also out of work. The same goes for some who cannot NOT be at work because they work in the healthcare field or as agents of public safety. You are all superheroes).

Here is a short list of things that you can do to help either yourself or peers during this time of crisis:

Buy Art

You can buy original art, prints, voice lessons, StageIt show tickets, cds, or digital music. Outlets such as Bandcamp.com gives artists the largest cuts of the profits. Consider buying from artists directly. 

Buy Merch

If your friend or favourite artist has merch, see if you can buy something--even if it’s the cheapest thing they have.

Support them on Membership Platforms

If you can, see if your favourite creatives are on membership platforms, such as Ko-Fi or Patreon, even if it’s just a dollar a month.


If you cannot afford to buy, you can always stream. Many, many artists have content available to stream--whether they have YouTube channels or their music is on any kind of streaming service. You can even mute the music or the videos and let them play automatically while you walk around and do other things. Likewise, if the Youtube videos, for example, have ads, let those play all the way through, so that the artist gets the full amount of money.


This is a big one, if not the biggests one. If you cannot afford any of the above, you can always share with your friends, who will share with their friends, and maybe be seen by someone who does have the money right now to buy it.

No attempt to help is too small. Ever.

If you’re looking for some artists and creatives to support during this time, for a little distraction, here are some wholesome content and some of my personal favourites:

YouTube Binge Watching:

Magic Journeys @magicjourneys

Disney foodie vloggers, real life couple goals MigVee and Janelle are the most precious humans on the planet (says the least romantic person in the world, that’s saying something). I can’t eat most of the things at the Disney parks, so I just live vicariously through them. 

Hello Batty @hellobatty

Spooky lolita, Gothy DYIs, Halloween decorations, clothing and Disneyland exploring. 

Rachel Maksy @rachel_maksy

Historical/ vintage costume maker/ outfit coordinator and cosplayer, IRL faerie princess. Come for the cosplay and the make-up tutorials, stay for her dog Frodo.

Townsends @townsends_official/ @18thcenturycookingPrecious literal angel Jon Townsends runs a reproduction manufacturing site for 18th century goods, and does recreations of 18th century recipes you can do at home on his Youtube channel. Jenny Lorenzo @jennizzle

Cuban American content creator, actress and comedian. Absolutely hilarious. The Princess and the Scrivener @paigetheprncss/ @sarahthescrivnr

Intersectional feminism, pop culture critiques, and super sharp film, book and  media analysis

Cheyenne Jaz Wise @cheyennejazwiseofficialCosplayer, seamstress, pinup girl, literal real life superhero.

Sensei Aishitemasu @sensei_aishitemasuAuthor, show-runner of The Black Americans (go watch it), historian (see: Hidden Figures series), and all around badass.Artists (NEW) to Stream (or BUY):

Charlotte Martin @charmarmusicAllie X @alliexSarah Blasko @sarahblaskoMariee Sioux @marieesiouxSpringtime Carnivore @gretamorgan/ @springtimecarinivoreBen Roseberry/ The Fractured Years @thefracturedyearsBat for Lashes @batforlashesJason Yeager @jyeagermusicJulie Benko @jujujuliebeeAu/ra @heyitsau_raWhite Sea @whiteseamusicZYRA @zyramusicofficialRiders in the Sky @ridersintheskyStay safe, by staying home, and take care of yourselves. 


