Surprise! Actor posts disgusting things about a woman on social media and loses his job

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TW: This post includes reports of deeply offensive comments.

A voice actor for the Adult Swim show, ‘Squidbillies’, has been fired for deeply offensive comments directed at country music icon Dolly Parton.

In response to Parton’s vocal support for the Black Lives Matter movement and saying that “Do we think our little white asses are the only ones that matter? No!”, Stuart Baker made a vile comment about her on his Facebook page.


Not long after Baker posted his comment, he was promptly fired from his job voicing the character of Early Cuyler on the show.

Two of the show’s creators, Jim Fortier and Dave Willis, publically denounced Baker and stated that they would no longer be working with him.

“We’re aware of the extremely offensive and derogatory social media posts made late last week by Stuart D. Baker,” they wrote in a tweet Sunday. “The views he expressed do not reflect our own personal values or the values of the show that we and many others have worked hard to produce over the past 15 years. For those reasons, production of Squidbillies will continue without Mr. Baker, effective immediately.”

After he was fired, Baker took to Facebook again to whine and lament about his firing.


He also instructed liberal fans to “unfollow me, please. Because I don’t want you UN-AMERICANS around!… HAVE FUN forsaking your own race, culture, and heritage.”

Needless to say Baker proved his firing was more than justified.

Just in case this wasn’t clear: if you post disgusting, vile, hateful things on social media, your employer absolutely has the right to fire you. Many folks are smart enough to understand that, Stuart Baker clearly doesn't.

TVChristopher Peterson