Find Your Trusted Movie Critic!

We at OnScreen are big admirers of using movie review aggregators to help decide whether to see a movie or not. But, we’re not going to agree with the majority of critics all the time, so what is a movie fan to do?

The answer is finding a movie critic you can lean on that is most in line with your views on movies. How do you find one in a sea of hundreds of critics??

We created a critic matching tool, where you give a positive or negative rating to a list of movies. Your answers will be used to match you with the critic whose tastes most resemble yours! You will then have your go-to, most trusted critic you can rely on for your movie watching decisions.

We picked a selection of fairly polarizing recent movies as the best criteria to find your perfect critic match. No point in picking movies that everybody agrees on, right?

We will be adding more movies and critics to the quiz over time, so be sure to check your results regularly!

If you got matched to OnScreen Chief Film Critic Ken Jones, you’re in luck, you are in the right place! You can see all his reviews here

If you didn’t, Ken won’t feel too bad. He might mope on the next podcast about it, but go check his reviews out anyways, we’re a fan!

Take the quiz below!

OnStage Blog Staff