"You alone are your biggest obstacle." - Chatting with MEAN GIRLS's Christine Shepard!

  • Kevin Ray Johnson

I would like you to meet the wonderful Christine Shepard. Christine can currently be seen performing in the Ensemble of Mean Girls on Broadway at The August Wilson Theatre. Before making her ensemble debut, she was a swing in Head Over Heels on Broadway. She will be receiving a BFA in commercial dance and a minor in Business this spring from Pace University. Student by day, Broadway performer by night. It was quite an honor and privilege for Christine to take time out of her busy schedule to give me the chance to interview her!

How old were you when you knew you wanted to be a performer?

I always have loved performing, but after tearing my ACL in high school and having to take time off, I knew dance and performing was not just a passion but my career.

Where did you study? Are there any mentors that genuinely helped make you the performer you are today?

I grew up in Ohio and learned dance at a recreational dance studio nearby. Since 7th grade, I have played the cello as well. After high school I moved to NYC to study at Pace University where I a, currently getting a degree in Commercial Dance and a minor in Business. Several people in my life have contributed to my personal success. My family, especially my mother, had believed in my talent before I did. My dance teachers from Ohio were always helping me find opportunities outside of my hometown and helped cultivate my love of dance. Lastly, my college professors have had a significant impact on molding the perform I am today and have helped open many doors to start my career.

Congratulations on Mean Girls on Broadway! How has your time been and do you have any favorite moments in the show?

So far I have thoroughly enjoyed the cast, crew and overall production at Mean Girls. I was hired as an immediate replacement, so I learned the whole show in about six days. Being thrown into a show celebrating its one year on Broadway was intimidating at first, but I have been supported and welcomed with open arms by the company. I'm looking forward into getting into my groove and added new energy to this already lively bunch.

Are there any shows (Other than Mean Girls) that you have done in your career that will always be near and dear to your heart?

Before Mean Girls I made my Broadway debut in Head Over Heels. That experience and the people I shared it with will always hold a special place in my heart. The show, to me, will forever be a cult classic and I feel honored to be part of such a unique voice in the arts community.

What advice would you give young performers who want a career in this business?

You alone are your biggest obstacle. Also, "perform for no one" (it's my first tattoo I got).

To learn more about Mean Girls on Broadway make sure you visit – www.meangirlsonbroadway.com and to learn more about where @chrisnshep is currently attending college make sure you visit – www.pace.edu