The Actor Website: A Conversation with Kristina Horan


An actor website has always been important – but more now than ever before. With auditions going virtual, it often provides casting directors with their first impression of your toolbox. So how does a working actor ensure that their website exceeds industry standards? I chatted with Kristina Horan, a professional actress, and web designer, to find out!

What are the three most important qualities of an actor website?

Making sure it's easy to navigate with the basic information easy to find in the initial moments of landing on your site, that it is serving you as a "pitch package" and not solely a "portfolio" site, and lastly. . . spending time to develop a brand that markets [you] in a specific way. By brand, I don't mean "typecasting" or fitting in a box, but rather developing a brand that both exudes your essence and articulates what you bring to the industry through your artistry.

Has the need for an actor website changed due to COVID? How?

Absolutely! With the majority of casting and agent/manager submissions being virtual, you need to establish a strong virtual presence, since you don't have the advantage of walking into someone’s office. And even if you did, the world has gone virtual on so many mediums. It is inevitable that you will be searched before someone meets you, so why not take control and agency over what your first impression to people will look like?

Therefore, your website needs to be your virtual cover letter that pitches and packages you in a more aesthetically pleasing way than a typical cover letter would. This means figuring out a way to make anything and everything of substance on your resume into a visible form (logos, laurels, etc.) and incorporate that on your homepage, so visitors and getting the immediate information about you (that you would use to pitch yourself in a cover letter anyway!) as soon as they land.

How can actors showcase other skills/jobs they've accumulated during COVID on their actor websites?

Have a ‘News’ section! One of my favorite parts of actors’ sites is developing a ‘News’ section that is tailored to you. Everyone’s ‘News’ section looks different, depending on what information they have. For example, my client has graphics for all of her bookings, so it made sense to create a news section that was a slider with graphics vs. has some great production stills that we wanted to utilize. So we created a bulleted news list instead, so we could use a production still. Evaluate your materials and see what works for you!

What are some tips and tricks you have for making an actor website easy to navigate?

If you head over to my website,, I have a FREE GUIDE that gives you all the tips and tricks to making your site easy to navigate! The best tip I have would be to start with simplifying your menu down to being your Homepage, About Me, Resume, Headshots, Media, and Contact page. That's a great place to start!

How does an actor website play a role in helping an actor book jobs?

Your website legitimizes you as an actor! If casting doesn't know you and your agent is pitching the heck out of you and says, "Just check out her website!" [then] your website better look so professional and pitch you in the most efficient way -- or else, they will leave. I signed with one of my early agents based on my website alone, which is why I am so passionate about what a GOOD actor website can do for an actor! Your website needs to legitimize you, take people on a journey from start to finish so they feel like they have gotten to know you, and market/pitch you intentionally towards the type of work and worlds you desire to work in as an actor. Actors put so much intention behind their social media brand and presence. Why wouldn't you do the same for your website? I can't tell you how amazing it feels to send industry personal a cover letter that is brief and to the point and trust that when I say, "Check out my website to learn more," I know I am leaving a first impression I am proud of.


Kristina Horan has appeared in several film, Commercial (National and Regional), and web productions. Most recently, she booked a co-star role on a new show for HBO, and she is currently in the process of writing a web series. She is a website designer who specializes in creating custom websites for actors and professionals in the entertainment industry. For an evaluation of your actor website or just to chat about how to get started, feel free to schedule a complimentary 20 min phone consult: