Post-Graduation Blues and Confusion

  • Rebecca Magson

University/College can be the best 3+ years of your life; where you can reinvent yourself, find new friends, and live independently. And just as quickly as the experience came around, it's gone, and you're now an adult with little-to-no clue on where to go, or what to do, next. And speaking from the perspective of a student who has recently graduated, it's quite hard to wrap my head around. There are so many avenues my life could go down, and yet, I've no idea where they'll lead me or what those avenues are even called.

During your studies, you build friendships that can last a lifetime, but suddenly they aren't a few minutes away on the next bus — no more of your usual clubbing routine. Maybe, you're going all the way back home to your family, and your friends are thousands of miles away, perhaps even in different countries.

When you study theatre, magic happens. The bonds you create in your classes due to constantly working together are ones that truly can't be broken. You've seen each other at your worst, your best, been there for each other with each good/bad grade, and so much more that doesn't even involve your schoolwork.

There are three things in life that are inevitable: change, paying taxes, and death (sorry). And leaving a comfort zone, such as university life, is one of the biggest changes you can go through - especially at a young age and at such a pivotal time of your life. One of those being the drastic difference between your 'home' and 'university' self, and having to convert to one that may be more held back than the other.

For me, personally, who I was at university and who I am at home are two completely different women, and having to settle and stay as my 'home' version is something that is becoming extremely difficult to adjust to and process - but I know I'll settle in eventually, I just have to give it time, as we do with most things in life.

Remember: the position you're in now won't be the position you stay in. There will be many chances in life to take new opportunities, start new careers, and meet new people. Didn't get that job? Try again when you're ready. Didn't make the callback? Put yourself out there time and time again. Your agency isn't giving you what you need? Leave and find another. Your support network is there, whether they are a 2-minute walk around the corner or miles away, and will catch you when you fall.

Adult life is always falling onto hard ground until someone cushions your fall with a mattress - and someone will eventually. Good luck with your new life chapter. I wish you nothing but the best!